Hello everyone,

After fifteen months, I was able to add the reformatted lists to the new site (click here to know more about these new listings).

Now, the current plan is to cool down a little bit (I will still list recent shows) and add some shows I have been missing here and there; and then, I will move on with the second phase, which are the event listings. Not only that, I will add "officially unofficial" listings for the unbranded shows. For example, let's say you want to know the sources of the entrance themes used at the 'TID the Season" shows through the years, add to the url "/list":


and you will have access to a hidden entrance themes list, which is not official like most theme counts. This will be only exclusive for the unbranded events.

In between adding previous shows from the old site to the new one, I will resume working on the Hoodslam themes list. Maybe I add three, six, nine, whatever I please, shows and then I work on the shows from the old site, then going back to checking Hoodslam shows and so on. No idea how long it will take though.

Take care everyone,

- H

Revision by admin edited at 2022-12-28 15:07:40

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